When someone visits a new website, picks up a paper, or glances at a brochure stand they make a snap decision. As quickly as possible they will decide if what they’re looking at is what they’re looking for. It might take them 20 seconds or happen in an instant. Either way, it happens long before they’ve had time to make a well thought out judgement of the whole of what they are looking at.
Think about it. When you pick up a newspaper you glance at 80% of the headlines and read about 20% of the articles. Why? All those unread stories weren’t what you were looking for, and you decided that in a few seconds. So, in the newspaper business headlines are vital… actually in every business.
Websites have a lot more going on than just the headlines. So does a brochure or a full-color mailing. There are colors, photos, graphics, and even video (on websites, not on brochures yet.) All of it can contribute to a prospect’s decision to stay or leave. All of it, but I’m just going to talk about colors for now.